On January 29, 2021 VIC organized a monthly meeting at VIC office with participation from program staff, CBR staff, finance staff, key wheelchair staff and the related key persons to review the achievements, wheelchair distribution for January 2021 and assessment for February 2021, wheelchair production and distribution reports and review and update HBR project. There were 12 (F:2) participants in the meeting.

January 21, 2021

December 9, 2020

December 9, 2020


On 19 November 2020, VIC had a meeting with LDSC Mission Director, Elder and Sister D. Stone to discuss on the collaborative works for wheelchair purchasing from VIC.

On 19 November 2020, VIC held an ad-hoc meeting with all related program and CBR staff to review the list of students with disabilities and selected them for education supports from Liliane Fonds/RCI. The meeting has finalized the list of students with disabilities from poor families and will manage to buy school supplies and uniforms and some other mobility devices supports for them in the coming week.

November 18, 2020


On 13 November 2020, some more activities from fundraising training/workshop for 3 Partner Organizations (POs) @ Kampot Diamond Hotel. During day 2, we are fortunate to have two guest speakers to join with us sharing their valuable experiences and best practices.


On 12-13 November 2020, VIC with the financial supports from Liliane Fonds and RCI in Vietnam organized a fundraising training/workshop for 3 Partner Organizations (POs) in Cambodia. The training aims to strengthen the POs' fundraising capacity which fits to the current world trend so that they can be capable to survive for along term. The training is conducted at the Kampot Diamond Hotel with technical support and facilitation from the national consultant.

On October 28, 2020 VIC organized a monthly meeting at VIC office with participation from program staff, CBR staff, finance staff, key wheelchair staff and the related key persons to review the Annual Workplan (AWP) for the 3rd quarter achievements, wheelchair distribution for October and assessment for November, wheelchair production and distribution reports, update school supports funded by Liliane fonds and review and update HBR project and update CBR action plan. There were 11 (F:2) participants in the meeting.