After the handover of the 3 PRCs, from year 2020-2022, VIC continues its mission on the wheelchair production, distribution, and operates its CBR programs in targeted communities. VIC identified the following areas in need for future assistance:
- The wheelchair production and distribution is the most requirements in Cambodia as the wheelchair manufacturing supply to the needy in rural areas is inadequate. The gap of the production will affect to the targeted beneficiaries especially the needy of persons with disabilities.
- Promoting citizen awareness and understanding disability rights and responsibilities associated with accessibility, education, self-employment, rehabilitation, social inclusion and empowerment in sub-national level and local commitment still need assistance. Advocacy for disabled people organizations and self-help groups strengthening also still need continued support to represent their voice in communities.
- Home based rehabilitation is a necessary need in rural areas as many children and adults with severe disabilities of poor and very poor families are left at homes without treatment and proper care.
What We Do
- VIC operates a wheelchair factory in Kien Khleang National Rehabilitation Center to produce wheelchairs, tricycles, walkers, and other assistive devices and distribute to persons with disabilities. The wheelchair program seeks to apply new and existing technologies in innovative ways to help overcome barriers and promote the human rights of wheelchair users. This program also provides the means for wheelchair users to enjoy better health and to achieve full and equal participation in society.
- VIC provides community based rehabilitation (CBR) services for rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities, poverty reduction, social inclusion and empowerment of People with Disabilities. This program includes activities to integrate children with disabilities into public schools, to provide direct assistance and small grants to the needy of PWDs and their families so they could have opportunities for self-employment and income-generating activities to feed their families, to refer PWDs for skill trainings and job placements, conduct social disability awareness campaigns in targeted communities to promote of understanding of disability issues and rights, to empower PWDs through the formation of self-help groups (SHGs) and disabled people organizations (DPOs) that ultimately will become self-reliant and independent and to advocate for their rights and needs, and to provide home based rehabilitation (HBR) to children and adults with severe disabilities who are left at homes without treatment and proper care.